• 2206 S. Page Rd. Suite 102 Durham, NC 27703

  • Crisis Number: 919-636-7758


Non Habilitative Services

Provide periodic support and relief to the primary caregiver(s) from the responsibility and stress of caring for the participant in the individuals’ home or an out-of-home setting such as a foster home or non-institutional Respite Facility. In addition, other Community Care Residential Facilities approved by the State, including Alternative Family Living Homes, may be used.

The Direct Care Staff of Caring Hands respite care program will complete service notes regularly, providing documentation of the proper implementation of the appropriate delivery of respite services.


Coordinator Program:

Contact Information: info@caringhandsnc.com

Program Details

It is a service that provides periodic relief for the family or primary caregiver as detailed in the approved Person-Centered Plan. It is provided in the participant’s home or out-of-home setting.

  • Accompaniment
  • Relief
  • Support