• 2206 S. Page Rd. Suite 102 Durham, NC 27703

  • Crisis Number: 919-636-7758

Innovation Waiver

Community Networking
511 341 A Caring Company

Community Networking Assist with acquisition, retention, or the improvement in community activities, social outings, and social interactions outside of the home. Service Coordinator:  Name & Last Name Requirements: Contact: coordinatorprogramZ@caringhandsnc.com

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1024 683 A Caring Company

Provide periodic support and relief to the primary caregiver(s) from the responsibility and stress of caring for the participant in the individuals’ home or an out-of-home setting such as a foster home…

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Alternative Family Living/Residential Support (AFL)
462 334 A Caring Company

It consists of an integrated array of individually designed training activities, assistance, and supervision. It is focused on the participant to improve his/her ability to reside as independently as possible…

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